The Unmarked Grave

Posted in Stories

Dustin: Today’s post is coming from the fantastically amazing Granny Sue. She’s a blogger, professional storyteller, country dweller, and a fantastic individual. She’s been a hoot connecting with and she’s one of the best “Urban Folklore” tellers out there. So, without further ado, take it away Granny Sue! Read more »

Ghosts and guest posts from the blog with the most

Posted in Stories

Howdy. This isn’t yer standard blog post. More of a series of announcements. So, here we go…

  1. Next week is “ghost week.” I’m teaming up with Granny Sue, a professional storyteller and blogger (who is totally awesome, by the way) for this one. I’ve written a fun little ghost story that will be hosted on her blog and she’ll be writing one for my blog–southern folklore style. More on that next week.I can’t wait 😉
  2. This week’s traditional blog post will take place on Erik Tyler’s blog. More details will come tomorrow. In the mean time, feel free to peruse Erik’s blog. He’s really a stellar individual and has written a fantastic book that will change your life. (It even comes highly recommended from a top-notch Google big-wig). I guarantee, after you’ve spent a few minutes perusing this guy’s blog (or book), you’ll feel like he’s the BFF you’ve never had and the sort of guy you’d love to spend an hour with at a coffee shop.

Other than that, I’ve got some other exciting things down the road, including maybe another novella featuring another stellar individual, the audiobook version of Love the Unloved, and a video with some hired talent. Read more »

How do you know when you’ve forgiven someone?

Posted in Stories
What does it mean to forgive?

I warn you now–I’m gonna lay it out there–exposed my sinful heart for the world to see. But maybe by doing that, I’ll find what I’m looking for.

How do you know when you’ve forgiven someone?

This question seems to pop on quite a bit in Sunday school. How do you know when you’ve forgiven someone?

Well. I don’t know if I have the answer. But I do have an answer that made a difference in my life. And, it changed my perspective too. Read more »