Query writing: Knowing what details to add

Posted in for writers, Writing

Last we spoke (digitally, that is), we developed the bones from a query template. Now your query is a walking-talking skeleton, with enough form to terrify readers, but not land a book deal. Feeling good yet? Got some direction? Hopefully your informal critique group (those friends, family members, and sentient plants you’re so fond of) has an idea of the main character’s central conflict, goal, and stakes. Now what are we going to do? We’re going to add details, but only if they:

1. Raise the stakes,

2. Reveal the character arc, and/or

3. Show obstacles.

1. Raise the stakes.

We hear that a lot in writing, neh? What do we mean?

Raise the stakes. /rāz T͟Hə stāks/ Sentence. A term used among writing wonks to indicate an escalation of cost associated with the protagonist losing.


In non-technical terms, “what does the main character lose if (s)he fails?” A love? A life? A basketball? Tickets to a rodeo? A toe nail? (I hear you gasping already).

Here’s one secret to a great query–the higher the stakes, the better the query. Does that mean lives must be in danger? No! But something meaningful to us and the character must be at stake.

Examples in Literature

What happens if Katniss loses the Hunger Games? Her life, of course. But Suzanne Collins raised the stakes by having her family rely on her success. If Katniss fails, who will take care of Prim? Who will gather food for their family? And what of her budding romance with Gale?

What happens if Harry Potter fails to defeat Valdemort? Harry will die, but of course there’s more than that–muggles will live under the rule of a horrible tyrant, friends and family will be executed, Dumbledore’s death will remain unavenged, and he’d never get to be with that fox Ginny Weasley.

(And I was so going to put an example from the romance genre, but I don’t read romance. Care to comment? with an example?)


So what does that mean for a query? After last post, our query was a bit skimpy. (I did warn you it was the bones of a query). Here’s where we’re going to do–we will add details that raise the stakes. 

Let’s think about how to raise the stakes. Here’s where we left off:

Tommy the goat is the oldest of two older brothers who all enjoy feasting on grass in the meadow. Yet when Bibbledy-Basty McFladigan, the neighborhood troll sets their meadow on fire, Tommy and his two brothers’ very existence is threatened.

Now, Tommy and his brothers embark on a journey across the bridge that will lead them to another pasture. As they attempt to cross, Bibbledy-Basty threatens to eat them. Forced to choose between certain death by starvation and probable death by troll, Tommy must decide whether to face his fears or starve.

How can we make it cost more if Tommy fails to defeat the troll? For one, we can make it so he’s not living for himself anymore. Like Katniss, let’s give him someone who relies on him:

Tommy the goat is a proud new father of who dreams of teaching his baby boy to trim his goatee (you saw that coming, didn’t you?).

Okay…that’s better. How can we raise the stakes even more? Well, why not have the evil troll kidnap his wifey-pooh. Now we’re talking!

As they prepare to cross, Bibbledy-Basty kidnaps Tommy’s wife and threatens her life. Either he must forfeit the green meadows and his wife to the troll, or risk her death to save his son from starvation.

Again, it’s still not good writing, but the stakes are clear.

(As an aside, this example’s a bit contrived. In reality, your novel will already have high stakes and you will simply choose which details will heighten the tension, but you get the idea.)

2. Character arc. Character arc. /ˈkerəktər ärk/ Term. The process of change the main character experiences during the novel.

Put differently–what sort of transformation occurs in the main character?

In addition to conveying what the character’s arc is, we must also convey what resources the MC uses to do that.

Example: Dorothy’s friend the lion is a coward. By the end of the novel, he realizes he’s overcome his cowardice through his propensity to helping Dorothy.

Another way to put it–the character goes from A to B using C.

So what’s our character arc? (Again, this should be known before we write the query). Let’s say, in our story, the MC has always been the youngest, smallest, weakest of the three brothers (point A). By the end, he becomes a leader (point B), using his paternal and familial instincts.

So now, let’s add those details to the query:

Tommy the goat is the youngest of three brothers. Long considered the “runt” of the family, it’s a surprise he’s the only brother who finds a woman who loves him. When his wife gives birth to a baby boy, he dreams of …


Cool. That looks good. Now we need to talk about his resources:

Driven to protect his son, Tommy must convince his older brothers and his village to cross the bridge that will lead them to another pasture


Nice, dude! (Yep, I’m congratulating myself). At this point, I’m okay with not telling the complete character arc because that will give away the ending. But, we’ve already included details that show elements of his character arc (e.g., he’s actively advocating a journey to the meadow).

3. Convey obstacles

A novel cannot exist without obstacles. Nor can your query work without telling us of the obstacles. We’ve already mentioned some (e.g., the troll stops them from crossing the bridge and holds his wife ransom), but let’s make that agent’s grip on your query letter tighten and tremble with anxiety for you MC!

So…maybe the other meadow is far away. Cool. Obstacle #1–check. And, they have to cross a river filled with deadly snakes. Nice. Obstacle #2–check. And, his brothers keep insisting they go back. Woot woot! Obstacle #3–check. Now let’s put that into our query:

Yet his brothers refuse to embark on the two week journey across mountains, snake-filled rivers, and barren landscapes.

Okay…so I embellished a bit 🙂

Bringing it all together

So now with those details, let’s take a look at our new query:

Tommy the goat is the youngest of three brothers. Long considered the “runt” of the family, it’s a surprise he’s the only brother who finds a woman who loves him. When his wife gives birth to a baby boy, he dreams of teaching him to trim his goatee. Yet when Bibbledy-Basty McFladigan, the neighborhood troll sets their meadow on fire, Tommy and his infant son’s very existence is threatened.

Driven to protect his son, Tommy must convince his older brothers and his village to cross the bridge that will lead them to another pasture. Yet his brothers refuse to embark on the two week journey across mountains, snake-filled rivers, and barren landscapes. As they prepare to cross, Bibbledy-Basty kidnaps Tommy’s wife and threatens her life. Either Tommy must forfeit the green meadows and his wife to the troll, or risk his family’s death to save his son from starvation.

Again, it’s not the best writing, but we’ll worry about that in the next round of revisions when we punch-ify our verbs.

Happy writing!


Query writing: A Template for Query Letters

Posted in for writers, Writing
Query writing template for fiction
A Query Letter Template: Introduction

I can’t believe I’m writing a blog post about querying. Seriously? There are 7.8 ba-tillion posts out there that boast of being the “definitive guide to querying agents.” Why in Potter’s scar would I add to the refuse of rhetoric???

Because (and I seriously don’t understand why my elementary school teachers taught me never to start a sentence with “because”….), despite reading sooooo many blog posts and consuming soooooo many books and having my own queries critiqued soooo many times…

I. Still. Didn’t. Get. It.

Now, it’s entirely possible that all those emptamafillion articles were saying exactly what needed to be said and I just didn’t get it. (That wouldn’t be unheard of…don’t let the Ph.D. fool ya….I’m pretty dense). But I’m going to offer not just an explanation, but also a method for doing it–one that builds the query letter in stages. One that begins with a template!!! Seriously. Like, fer realz. You can’t get simpler than that–a query letter template for literary agents!

So….are ya’ll ready to git-r-done?

The Bones (A Query Letter Template)

I make a promise to you. By the end of today, you will NOT have a query ready. Ha! How’s that for honesty? Even if you plow through all these lessons, you aint there…na uh. There’s still critique groups and revisions and more critiques. BUT, we’ll get ya started. All you have to do is fill out the query letter template below!

(Insert character name) is a (insert character trait) who (tell us about how “normal life.”) Yet when (give inciting incident) happens, (state something that is thrown out of balance).

Now, (state character name) is forced to (state what the central goal of the story is). As (s)he attempts to (name things the character does to accomplish said goal), (state what obstacles are encountered).

Forced to choose between (state one sucky choice) and (state the other sucky choice), (state character’s name) must decide what matters more–(consequence of choice #1) or (consequence of choice #2).

Example of using the query letter template

Let’s do an example with a story with which we’re all familiar. How about Billy Goats Gruff? We’ll have to embellish some of the details, but this outta be fun!

Tommy the goat is the youngest of two older brothers who all enjoy feasting on grass in the meadow. Yet when Bibbledy-Basty McFladigan, the neighborhood troll sets their meadow on fire, Tommy and his two brothers’ very existence is threatened.

Now, Tommy and his brothers embark on a journey across the bridge that will lead them to another pasture. As they attempt to cross, Bibbledy-Basty threatens to eat them. Forced to choose between certain death by starvation and probable death by troll, Tommy must decide whether to face his fears or starve.

It’s certainly not my best writing, nor will it be your best. That’s okay. At this point, it should suck! You have the bones of a query letter–a corpse, if you will. An ugly corpse (then again, what corpse isn’t?). But this corpse will travel backwards in time toward vitality, Benjamin Button style.

After writing the query, I want you to do one more thing–read it to your friends, family members, enemies, and sentient plants (or anybody who hasn’t read the book) and ask them one question, “Is the choice (s)he’s forced to make a difficult one?”

I say this because so many queries I’ve read look like this, “Amy’s father is a jerk. When she meets Al, she’s in love. Yet Father hates Al. Now she must choose between love and family loyalty.” Ummmm….duh? Her father’s a jerk. Why wouldn’t she choose Al? So, if the choice isn’t difficult, the stakes aren’t high enough (in other words, the cost associated with one choice over the other are not large enough).

Got it?

Tune in next time, when we add some flesh to these bones.