So this post may be a bit different from what I normally do. Typically, I share a story and some “Lesson Learned,” or other moral on living the good life. Well, today’s a bit different because I’m sharing a bunch of stories.
Like, ten for the price of one. We are talking about saving money, after all.
Neat, eh?
I suppose this is a continuation, of sorts, of a previous blog post. In it, I said I’d had enough. I was sick of being decades from my dream of owning my own Walden. I was sick of watching my kids grow wondering whether they’d move out of the house just as I’d finally earned enough cash to invest in my cabin home.
And I made a promise.
I will spend no money except on the essentials. No going out to eat. No play money. No money for the movies. No trips to the fair or the museum.
Don’t think you can do it? Neither did I. Read more »