The Nexus Has Fallen…And It’s Here.

Posted in Stories
The nexus has fallen cover reveal

By golly.

It has taken a loooooong time. This project has stuck with me like an unshakable infection. Well, that’s not fair, the project is great, fantastic even. But the incompletion of this project has stuck with me.

And now I am rid of that incompletion.

The Nexus Has Fallen is finally here, available from Amazon in both ebook form and in print.

I hope you enjoy it.

Ah, who’m I kidding. I desperately yearn from the depths of my boots that ya’ll adore it and become Nexus missionaries, spreading the word amongst friends and insisting your Hollywood director cousin adapt it into a movie.

Please, my friends, read the book, review the book, share the book. Make me famous ‘n stuff.

And for those who have stuck with me for months or years, thank you.

Enjoy meeting the best friends I have had the pleasure of creating.


Free audiobook and giveaway

Posted in Stories

Alright, here’s the deal. Did I ever tell you I want to be famous? Well, okay, so that’s not true. I’m a bit of an introvert and would hate to don a disguise just to go to the grocery store. But I do want my words to be read from across the globe. I want to know that what I’ve written has inspired others to be better, to work harder, to live closer to the contented life.

And, my work of works, the consummation of my rhetorical genius, the ultimum effectum of awesomeness will be revealed in just a few short months.

The time has nearly come–the crowning accomplishment of four years worth of non-too-few hundred hours of hammering at a keyboard, the result of countless tears and head-banging. Read more »

Cover reveal? I need your help!

Posted in Stories
The Nexus Has Fallen Cover Reveal Dustin Fife

Take a moment, my friends and glance to the right (if you’re on a desktop) or to the bottom of the screen (if you’re on a phone).

See that counter (countdown to launch)?

You know what it means?

That means we’re just over six months away from the launching of my first novel, The Nexus has Fallen.

And where do we stand? Currently, a final team of superstar beta readers are piloting my novel. (Thank you!!!!!)

This is it, people.

The time is coming. Read more »