In my last post about writing with dyslexia, I mentioned my brother (Jordan) recommended I fill my journal with stories. Jordan was a master at this. I thought it’d be fun to share one of the stories he shared with me in one of his letters (complete with Jordan’s own illustrations). So, without further delay, Jordan…
So there I was singing “Video Killed the Radio Star” in the shower when all of a sudden the water stopped, and the pipes made a weird “She’s gonna Blow!” type sound.
To explain the Chilean shower system to you, the thing that heats the water is called a Calefon. It’s a big hot box with flames inside to heat the water.
The water passing through the pipes is heated then carried to the naked recipient.
So the water stopped. I examined the calefon which still had flames which meant it was over-cooking the passing water.
It all came out in an explosion of flying boiling water. Allow me to illustrate ->
Yeah. So have you ever been burned in the shower? I have. I had blisters on my chest, but I’m 98% healed now. Weird stuff happens in the mission.
And let me share one more, from the same letter. (No illustrations this time. Sorry).Β
Just the other night we were walking at night and all electricity went out in Lago Ranco. We couldn’t see anything!…We walked very slowly. Holding each other’s backpacks…once in a while a car with headlights passed by so whenever we had 2 moments of light, we ran. It’s kinda like life. We have dark sad moments, but when the inspiration of God comes to temporarily light the way, we should go with it. Run Dusty, Run!
I’ll always be grateful he taught me to see a world rich with stories–some funny, some inspiring, and anything in between.Β
Now go find some stories
Great stories! π Thanks for sharing these!
Thanks for reading!
Cute illustrations, Dustin. Hope your burns weren’t too extensive. Scald burns can be pretty painful.
Thanks, Cleo. This actually happened to my brother.
Thanks for stopping by!
The shower description is priceless! And the walking in the dark thing is kinda like up here at my house. If the headlights go off before we reach the house, we’re feeling our way to the porch.
I envy you! I wish my only neighbors were trees π (although, I could do without the snakes π
Nice allegory at the end π
I agree! I’d totally forgotten about this until I prepped this blog post. Fantastic things to keep in mind π
Cool stories! (Well, I guess the first was technically a hot story? *crickets* Right, I’ll leave the jokes to you.) In all seriousness, though, sorry you got a bit boiled…I’ve gotten burned by hot water before and it’s painful!
:)….I didn’t get burned. My brother did. But I did get fried by a radiator!
Eeew! I’m sorry about the burns. Hope you’re okay now.
Your story about walking slowly on the dark and making a run for it when there’s a light made me laugh.
Then it’s very enlightening when you compare it to having sad moments and when God lights the road for a while. It’s so true. π
Agreed π